Controllers & Interfaces
Controllers & Interfaces
The PEController come an optional intelliSENS software integration license which enables data acquisition on all 16 simultaneous sampling Channels at 100 KSps. The intelliSENS software is a ready-to-use application software designed to assist students, researchers, and engineers in the field of power electronics to develop, monitor & test power electronics systems by replacing multiple lab equipment, such as oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers, power analyzers, and recorders. It can perform the following:
Rapid Control Prototyping (RCP) Controllers
These controllers are capable of implementing the control system directly from the simulation software used to simulate the whole power electronics system. This accelerates the research and development of a high-performance control system since it bypasses the embedded programming stage which is the standard in the industry.
Embedded Controllers
These controllers require embedded programming which gives a lot of flexibility and optimization space to implement the control system and auxiliary functions. However, since embedded programming is a lengthy and difficult task, these controllers are usually tested initially with HIL Real-Time Simulators before moving to power electronics hardware implementation.
Taraz Technologies controllers come in two form factors. The standalone controller option such as the PE-RCP Box and the controller modules option such as the PEController and PE-RCP (same as the PE-RCP Box in module form factor). The controller modules are panel mountable which makes them ideal for final product integration once the development is complete. In addition, to accelerate the development of embedded control systems, embedded C libraries for the PEController are also provided along with multiple application examples, which will save a lot of initial development time.
TI C2000 F28379D Based RCP Controller
The PE-RCP Box is ideal for power electronics inverters and converters control system implementation due to its Rapid Control Prototyping capability directly from MATLAB, PSIM & PLECS. In addition, the open-source MATLAB Simulink models will greatly accelerate the development cycle of power electronics converters with the help of available application examples. Furthermore, large resources are also available from Texas Instruments that support the development of the F28379D ControlCARD which is used in the PE-RCP Box.
- Dual-Core TI C2000 TMS320F28379D 200MHz Controller
- Up to 16 PWM Outputs & 16 Analog Inputs
- 8CH 16-Bit & 8CH 12-Bit ADC with ±10V Range
- Direct Interface to PELab, OPAL-RT HILs & dSPACE MLBX
- Isolated CAN, Sync, Fiber Optics & USB 2.0 FS
- Isolated USB In-Circuit Programming & Debugging
- Open-Source Application Examples
Panel-Mount Controller Modules
High-Performance Architecture
PEController | ST ARM STM32H745 Based
Resources & Support
The PELab is supported by embedded C libraries (for PEController), multiple application examples and a getting started guide. The following application examples have been implemented:
- V/f Control of AC Induction Motor
- Three-Phase Grid-Tie Inverter with Boost Converter
In addition, more resources will be added including video tutorials and demos. Please check the technical resources page for the latest material.
Power & HIL Interfaces
The interface cards and modules can be used to interface the controllers to common HIL Real-Time Simulators. In addition, the PEWorks interface card can be used to interface the controller modules with Taraz Technologies’ power electronics modules and sensors. Therefore enabling power electronics development from HIL simulation to power electronics hardware implementation.