



  • Interface PEController to Power Electronics Hardware

  • Interface PE-RCP to Power Electronics Hardware


  • Can Control up to 16 Switches

  • Configurable OC, OV and OT Hardware Based Protections

  • Can Interface to 4 SPM-FB/MMC/TNPC/NPC Power Modules

  • Can Interface to 2 SPM-VFD/VFDHP Power Modules

  • Up to 8 OCP, 4 OVP, and 2 OTP Fault Channels

  • 12V Power Supply to Fans & Dual Relays Control

  • Faults Indication LEDs and Buzzer

  • 15V Power Distribution to all Interfaced Modules

Connections & Overview

Universal Connectivity Measurement Board

The PEWorks is an interface card made to interface the PEController and PE-RCP controller modules to Taraz gate drivers, power modules and the USM-3IV voltage and current sensor module. It can interface up to 16 PWM signals and 16 analog inputs consisting of 8 voltage and 8 current channels from 3 USM-3IV sensor modules. Additionally, robust hardware protections are incorporated on the board which includes Over-Current Protection (OCP) on all 8 current channels, Over-Voltage Protection (OVP) on 4 voltage channels and Over-Temperature Protection (OTP) using external thermostats. These protections can be configured and mapped using DIP switches to turn off the power modules according to user application circuit requirements to protect the hardware in case of OC, OV and OT faults. Finally, the PEWorks also includes auxiliary circuits such as Relays control, 12V Fan power supply, fault indication LEDs and a buzzer. In addition, the PEWorks distributes the required 15V power supply to all connected devices and modules which simplifies wiring of the final system.





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